Should you keep bees?
This post was originally published on the pollinators.msu.edu website: https://pollinators.msu.edu/resources/beekeepers/shouldyoukeepbees...

Queen Quest: the search for overwintering bumble bees
How you can help researchers understand where bumble bees spend the cold months Bumble bees are an important group of pollinating insects...

Bee Hotels: a safe haven for Michigan’s wild bees
Why protect wild bees in Michigan? Michigan has an extraordinary 465 known species of bees. All of these bees play different roles in our...

Pollinators feed you. What can you do for them?
If you’ve been keeping up with previous posts on the Great Lakes, Great Bees Blog, you already know that bees are very diverse and also...

Spotted knapweed: balancing ecological conservation with economic investment
Spotted knapweed, or star thistle, Centaurea maculosa, is an invasive flowering plant that was first observed in Michigan in 1911 [2]. As...

Honey Bees Swarming in Mid Spring
In the spring, walking along the forest edge of a honey bee hive yard, it is not uncommon to see hundreds of bees all clumping together...

Making a living in the Great Lakes region: the importance of picking the right moment
Andrena are a genus of solitary bees commonly called mining bees due to their nesting behaviour. In contrast to the more familiar honey...